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What is Acta?

Acta is an outline processor. It lets you organize just about anything -- reports, ideas, lists, projects, graphics -- in the form of an outline, where topics have subtopics.

Although giving a structure to your information is useful, where an outline processor shines is its ability to collapse the structure, showing only the most important information.
Double-click the triangle next to "King of Dragon Pass"... ...to collapse the topic, hiding its subtopics.
(The outlining metaphor has since become very common. It was adapted into the Macintosh Finder, which uses the outlining triangles in its list views to expand or collapse folders.)

You can also use an outline in the way your English teacher taught you, to plan the structure of your writing. But you don't have to worry about topic numbers (Acta will keep them updated for you), and you'll find it much easier to revise and reorganize by dragging topics around.

And with Acta's checkbox labels (seen above), you can keep track of tasks completed or incomplete.

What is Acta?

How to Outline

Frequently Asked Questions




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